I went to Dallas this weekend to visit my BFFITWWW, Natalie and had planned to do normal Leah/Natalie things such as: eat at fun weird Dallas places, scavenge various stores for surprisingly healthy snack options, hop from nutrition store to nutrition store to snatch up all the clearance protein bars, work out for abnormal amounts of time, etc...Like I said NORMAL things...:)
Instead, on Saturday, we walked planks, ran through rivers, traveled through slippery river beds, climbed up mud embankments, skid down muddy slopes (experiencing massive wedgies along the way), hustled over giant stacks of hay bales, scaled over-sized wooden spools, maneuvered over cargo nets, crawled through almost a foot deep of mud under barbed wire, and last but not least, leaped over warrior fires!!!! Thoroughly enjoying every second of the way.
Here's how: I went to Dallas this weekend to support Natalie and my old roommate, Stacy b, as they embarked on this race called the Warrior Dash...I didn't sign up in time so I thought I wasn't going to get to participate. While we were wandering around trying to get them checked in and stuff, we bumped into Justin Moret, a friend from college. 
Him and his buddy had already finished the race....there were lots of waves before the wave that Natalie and Stacy had signed up for that had already finished the race. He suggested I take his number and do the race as well because they weren't really checking to see if you were signed up or anything.
<<<----The friend I got the race bib from
After a few minutes of hesitation (I will admit, I did hesitate a bit...mostly because I was all dolled up in a cute new shirt and my favorite jean shorts that I DID NOT want to ruin and FLIP FLOPS because I was there to merely spectate), I decided to take the muddy race number and 'do tha dang thing'!!
We had to go swipe some tennis shoes from the place where people were donating their muddy nasty shoes for poor people (I PROMISE I RETURNED THEM to the pile). I borrowed a T-shirt from someone, stripped Stacy of her shorts and i was ready to go...
We had to go swipe some tennis shoes from the place where people were donating their muddy nasty shoes for poor people (I PROMISE I RETURNED THEM to the pile). I borrowed a T-shirt from someone, stripped Stacy of her shorts and i was ready to go...
Any way, I ended up being SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO happy with my decision! It was the most fun race I have ever experienced; words cannot describe the smile that was on my face during the entire race...
Stacy B, Me, and Natalie
Don't we look fierce?!?!
Andrew, Stacy B, Me, and Natalie!
How fun!