As I was creating it, I kind of knew Jason would think I am sorta nerdy for doing this but I decided to go out on a limb and go for it anyway.
Exactly as predicted, I told my husband that I created a blog and he said something of the sort, "You WHAT? A blog? Like Robin's? What exactly are you going to blog about, honey cakes?" he still seemed supportive but I could soooo sense his skepticism...Much to my surprise, I just got off the phone with him and he was eager to find out if I had updated the blog today! response..."update it? update it on what? Nothing has really happened?"....his reply...."just say something about what we did last night."
sooooo moral of the story....Jason wants kids as bad as I do so that we have something to write about in our blog.....hahhahaha
Here are some pics of the kids in our lives right now....

This is Lainey (6) ...My oldest sister's (Poppy's) youngest....Her lil personality is price-less....too witty and silly for her own good! : )...

This is Mr. Bryce (9...almost 10! omg!!)...Poppy's oldest...he is a hoot....SMART as a tack and can still be super goofy and fun!!

Here is dorothy...i mean Brianne (6)! She is Jason's youngest brother's (Shane's) daughter...she is just as sweet and innocent as she looks in this picture!

aaand last but not least, the newest addition....MISS MADISON (4.5 months)!! Madison is Jason's sister's first (of many, i hope : ) tehe)...she is absolutely precious...and gettin' so big so fast!!!! Love her...

Miss Madison said she wanted TWO pictures instead of just one! : )